Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Today in
Elvis Presley History

1960 - Elvis Presley's single "A Mess Of Blues" hit #2 in the U.K.

1962 - Elvis Presley resumed filming work on "It Happened At The World Fair" in Hollywood.

1977 - Elvis Presley's album "Moody Blue" hit #3 in the U.S.

1977 - Elvis Presley's single "Return To Sender" hit #42 in the U.K.

1977 - Elvis Presley's album "That't The Way It Is" hit #34 in the U.K.

1994 - The Elvis Presley compilation "The Essential Collection" hit #6 in the U.K.

Random Elvis Quote

I have no use for bodyguards, but I have a very special use for two highly trained certified public accountants.
- Elvis Presley

Tomorrow in Elvis Presley History.

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