Friday, July 26, 2024

Today in
Television History

1984 - NBC began shooting 15-minute episodes of "Punky Brewster." The short episodes were used when football games spilled over into the show's time slot.

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Today in
Dick Clark's American Bandstand History

1969 - Cat Mother & the All-Night News Boys performed "Good Old Rock 'n' Roll" on American Bandstand.

1975 - Dwight Twilley performed "I'm on Fire" on American Bandstand.

Dick Clark - American Bandstand Quote

"He had boundless energy and a remarkable ability to do innumerable things at any given time."
- Fran La Maina, the longtime president of Dick Clark Productions Inc.

Today in
Saturday Night Live History

2003 - There is nothing available for this this time.

Saturday Night Live Quote

That's the news, and I am OUTTA HERE!
- Dennis Miller

Tomorrow in:
Television History
Dick Clark's American Bandstand History