Today is Friday, April 26, 2024

Today in
Crime History

1913 - Mary Phagan, 13, was found in the basement of the Atlanta, GA, pencil factory where she worked. He had been sexually molested and murdered. Leo Frank was wrongly convicted and later lynched by a mob. Frank received a posthumous pardon in 1986 on the grounds that his lynching deprived him of his right to appeal his conviction.

Today in
Disaster History

1942 - In Manchuria, an explosion in Honkeiko Colliery killed 1,549 people.

1952 - In the mid-Atlantic, 176 people died when the Hobson sank after colliding with the aircraft carrier Wasp.

1994 - In Nagoya, Japan, 264 people died when a China Airlines flight crash-landed and exploded on the tarmac. Seven people survived the crash.

Today in
Death History

Tomorrow in Crime History.

Tomorrow in Disaster History.